Sunday, November 02, 2008

Software Estimation - Overestimation Vs Underestimation

I was reading Steve McConnell's book - Software Estimation. He has discussed about the advantages and disadvantages of Over estimation and under estimation.
Arguments against over estimation - (1) Parkinson's law - work will expand to fill the available time. (2) Goldratt's Student's Syndrome - developers will procrastinate until late in the project and then rush to complete the work.
However I think He missed one important disadvantage of over estimation - Lost opportunity. When we overestimate we are forced to cut off some feature unnecessary or delay the shipping date unnecessary. In either way it is lost opportunity.


Anonymous said...

You mean opportunity to put in a buggy feature thats half implemented?

lol..the software dev industry is so shithouse...full of noobs with delusions of grandeur...

overestimate dude...then do it right...

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