Javadoc specification proposes a new tag called '@exclude' for this purpose - any method which @exclude tag shall be excluded from javadoc documentation. However this has not been implemented yet.
Here is a modified javadoc utility which can implements @exclude tag - any method with @exclude tag will be excluded from javadoc.
1) download the javadoc.jar
2) create a file with list of source files which contain the methods to be documented
eg: inputs.txt
3) invoke javadoc as follows
javadoc -docletpath
Please note that name of the file has been renamed to Standard1.
This came in handy for something quick that I had to do. If you can post your source to your blog or the javadoc website (where they list all the thirdparty customizations) it'll be useful to more people.
I know I am a bit late, but a noted a particular behavior on using the jar.
For methods which return something like List<>, [List of String, for example]
without the doclet the output for return type is displayed as List<> [String]
But on using the doclet, output is displayed as simply
List [without any information on what type of List it returns]
Can u please give a hint on how to solve this or provide a workaround??
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